What makes pole dancing fantastic?
While the pole dancing community promotes all expressions through dance, the activity has long been synonymous with strip clubs. For some, there is a stigma that lingers. These enthusiasts explain the benefits of pole dancing for everyone, no matter your reasons or reservations for trying pole.

Chloe Barnes
Barnes is the founder of copywriting business The Write Chloe and has been hooked on pole dancing since her first class at The Watermelon Studio.
You Connect With Your Body to Explore Movement
Pole is a fantastic hobby because it teaches you to connect with your body and explore movement in a way that feels comfortable for you. Whether that's sporty, strong, sexy, or a combination of all three, it doesn't matter because there's a style to suit everyone. You get incredibly fit and strong, and it makes you so much more confident in your own skin.
These days I'm the fittest I've ever been, I love my body for what it can do, not just what it looks like, and I've never felt happier or more fulfilled. Also, the friends you make along the way are really the icing on the cake. I tell everyone I know to try pole. It's the best.

Rachel Anne Stiles
Rachel Anne Stiles is an artist, theatre maker, and the founder of the theatrical networking website Stage Creatives Network.
It Makes You Feel Powerful
I have been pole dancing for several years as a hobby, and I love how effortlessly powerful it makes me feel. I didn’t have much dance experience when I started, and I was still able to learn. Anyone can pole dance. It empowers me in other areas of my life as well.
Physical agility transfers over into mental agility. If I can lift myself up over my head and hook my leg onto a pole upside down, I can start a business, I can raise money for charity, I can make friends, and I can be empowered to live a great life that I love.
It's a Full-Body Workout
There is definitely a negative stereotype about pole dancing, and it's time to get rid of it. Pole dancers have incredible full-body strength and balance. It is an exercise that helps people feel more confident, gain more flexibility and strength, tone their muscles up and have fun!
It also comes with the perks of a really nice community and being relatively easy to practice at home; you can buy your own pole from Amazon. If you are struggling to keep yourself motivated to work out or you want to try something new, pole dancing is definitely a great choice.
Eden Cheng
Eden Cheng, Co-Founder of PeopleFinderFree.
The Culture of Acceptance and Support
One of the best things about pole dancing is that learning the skills and moves can often be a great form of functional fitness that provides increased flexibility, better core stabilization, as well as joint mobility.
Moreover, the most noticeable benefit is the fact that it also does well to help improve muscle development, especially in the upper body. And compared to going to the gym, this often makes it a more enjoyable activity that most looking to improve their fitness can take part in every day.
Aside from that, most pole dancing studios promote a culture of acceptance and support. With [dancers] constantly spotting and collaborating on choreography, as well as celebrating milestone successes, [it’s] a great hobby for those looking for an inclusive space to be themselves and make friends at the same time.
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