Posted by Team PoleActive

7 Tips to Beat the Heat For Your Summer Pole RoutineSummer is incredible for longer days, enjoying the outdoors, and tanned skin. However, it can make your pole practice challenging and dangerous when it impacts your grip. Small amounts of sweat can aid your grasp, but when you’re melting like a popsicle, you’re bound to have unintended slides.

Here are some essentials to keep in mind as the heat starts ramping up:

1. Avoid Sunbathing, Tanning, or Spending Time Outdoors

These recommendations aren’t easy to follow in the middle of summer, but try to avoid these activities on the days you plan to dance. Spending time outside before can lead to dehydration, overheating or having heat stroke before or during your class. None of these are ideal for your pole dancing workout.

If you sunbathe or lie in a tanning bed, you’ll have sweat buildup on your skin, and the lotions will only make you slip more in class. If you overdo it in the sun, you might feel the burn as you spin around your pole, one of the worst times to discover a sunburn.

2. Stay Hydrated

If you’re dehydrated and exercising, you’re likely to get headaches or feel dizzy, which is a problem when you’re doing a pole climb or inversion. Drinking plenty of water is crucial to keep you safe during your class and your cardiovascular system running well.

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine advises 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water per day. If you’re not a big fan of plain water, try mixing in some coconut water or flavored drops to help get the ounces down. It’s a better solution than drinking soda or sugary hydration beverages. You can also aim to eat hydrating foods:

  • Cantaloupe, Honeydew, and Watermelon
  • Peaches and Pineapple
  • Oranges and Grapefruit
  • Strawberries and Tomatoes
  • Cucumber and Zucchini
  • Kale, Cabbage or Iceberg and Romaine Lettuce
  • Carrots, Celery, and Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Skim Milk, Plain Yogurt, and Cottage Cheese

3. Freeze Everything

Fill your water bottle halfway, tip it on its side, and freeze it for a couple of hours before class. A refreshing drink helps you stay cool during your routine. While putting your bottle in the freezer, rinse a washcloth or small towel with water, squeeze out the excess, and toss it in the freezer in a plastic bag or Ziploc. Take it with you to class for a leak-free cooling pad. Between moves, rub it on the parts of your body that regulate temperature: your palms, wrists, neck, and feet.

While you’re at it, toss your pole sling shorts in the freezer. They are perfect for cooling off without being too uncomfortable. Just don’t forget to set a timer, so they’re not too frozen to wear. Unless you are in a sweltering climate or very brave, don’t throw your sports bra in with the rest of your pole workout clothes.

4. Wash Your Hands Before Class

This will remove excess sweat, natural oils, or lotions you may have forgotten you applied. You can also run cool water over your wrists and splash it on your face and neck before starting your routine. This will help cool you from the get-go.

5. Use a Fan or Dry Your Sweat

If you’re practicing at home or privately in a studio, have a good fan pointed at your pole. It will keep your body cool and help dry up any sweat. Crank up the air conditioning for your practice if you can control that. Always have wicking towels near to wipe off the extra sweat between moves.

6. Try Out Different Pole Dancing Hand Grips in Class

If your grip is suffering, there are products to help. Dew Point is great for dry to normal skin. If you are prone to oily skin, chalk may be a better option to help control the sweat. You can also apply antiperspirant everywhere you’re prone to sweating, not just your armpits. Most should provide 24-hour coverage. Use it the night before so it soaks in and works for class.

7. Don’t Forget the Vodka

Unfortunately, it’s not to drink. That leads to dehydration. Depending on the cost, cheap vodka or rubbing alcohol are great ways to disinfect your pole. They help dry your skin for grip. Dab a little on a towel and wipe down your body, focusing on your stomach, upper body, knee pits, or wherever you need extra grip for your routine.

While summer can be tricky for parts of your pole practice, take advantage of the warm weather and work on your flexibility. Have you heard of warm or hot yoga? It’s so popular because warmed-up muscles become more elastic. You are more likely to get pulled or torn muscles from overstretching when cold. When the temperature is warmer, you can stretch easier to help prevent injuries.


The longer days, more time spent outside, and tanned skin are all advantages of summer. However, training on a pole can become challenging and hazardous if it impairs your hold. If you're perspiring softly, it could help you maintain your grip, but if you're melting like a popsicle, you'll unavoidably slide. Observe the following recommendations.

7 Tips to Beat the Heat For Your Summer Pole Routine Infographic
